Welcome to Christ Church

It’s a pleasure to have you with us today

My hope is that, whether you’re a seasoned church-goer or visiting our website or building for the first time, you get a glimpse of the true and living God and meet with him here at Christ Church Virginia Water.

Across the website, you’ll find different people associated with the various ministries and activities which make up the life of our church. If you have any questions, or would like to know more, please do contact them via the email links, or chat to us in person on a Sunday.

It is a privilege to be Vicar at Christ Church Virginia Water.

I often think of King David’s words in Psalm 122, and I hope they will be true for you today as well:

I rejoiced with those who said to me, “Let us go to the house of the LORD”

With every good wish,


Christ Church seeks warmly to welcome everyone to our Sunday gatherings and midweek meetings. We hope that you find here a place of refreshment, love, challenge, and hope. Jesus himself demonstrated unflinching generosity towards people, and along with him, we wish to do the same: to all who are weary and in need of rest; to all who mourn and in need comfort; to all who fail and need strengthening; and to all who sin and need a saviour, Christ Church opens its doors wide, and offers the love and welcome of Jesus Christ our Lord!

Join one of our services

Sunday morning 08:30 & 10:30, Sunday evening 18:30

We would love you to join us on Sundays for our services either in person or online. We are currently holding 08:30, 10:30 and 18:30 services, with our 10:30 service streamed live on YouTube. We also have kid's church and youth group that meet during the 10:30 service in dedicated rooms of the church.

Sunday Services


Liturgical Service

Morning Prayer with modern language, hymns and a short sermon which follows the same teaching programme as the 10:30 service.

Monthly Holy Communion, on the 3rd Sunday of the month.

Service lasts 45 minutes.


Contemporary Service

Our 10:30 is an intergenerational church service with a music group and an extended sermon during which there is children's and youth ministry available (ages 4-14 with a crèche available for little ones).

Monthly Holy Communion on the last Sunday of the month.

This service is also live-streamed on our YouTube channel.


Informal Service

A more intimate and relaxed service with refreshments. With modern worship music, extended sermon and space for discussion and prayer in groups.

During the summer month, weather depending, we'll be meeting outside.

Monthly Holy Communion on the first Sunday of the month.

Children's Church

We meet during our 10:30 services, usually after some sung worship. We also occasionally have all-age services where we are all in together.


Sermon Series

Each term we explore a new topic through the Bible. See our current teaching programme here.

Our vision & purpose 2020-2030


After much prayer and reflection we have agreed that our vision and purpose for 2020-2030 is:

to be “in the community, for the community, to the glory of God”


to “know Jesus and make Jesus known”

We have five categories that express our calling


We want to be a growing church


We want to be a healthy church


We want to be a caring church


We want to be a connected church


We want to be a resourcing church

You can join us by:

Coming to church on Sunday, we’d love to see you!

Volunteering to help in whatever capacity. There is always lots of opportunity to help. Whatever your talents, we are sure to be able to use them. Volunteering is great fun and you get to meet other people that way too.

Finding a connect group near you. Connect groups are midweek groups that meet to study a portion of scripture, pray together and catch up with each other. If you would like to join a connect group please email the office on office@cc-vw.org, or check out the connect group page on the website. Joining a connect group will give you an opportunity to talk about your week and how it is going. It’s a date in the diary when you know you can connect with others.

We run regular courses, see events for details or contact office@cc-vw.org.

Come and join us at CCVW

Where are we?

Come visit us

Christ Church is situated on Christchurch Road, Virginia Water.

Our full address is:
Christ Church, Christchurch Road, Virginia Water, Surrey, GU25 4PT

There is ample, free, car parking space, with disabled parking spots, in the church grounds.

We have a disabled ramp access in addition to steps up to the church.

Always feel free to give us a call on 01344 844946 or email us.

Contact us

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